[ndnSIM] Unable to run CustomApp with my own scenario

harshad shirwadkar harshadshirwadkar at gmail.com
Wed Apr 8 21:30:14 PDT 2015

Hello All,

I am a newbie in ndnsim.When I run "CustomApp" in a scenario as
mentioned on this page:
It runs perfectly.

But, when I try to do the following:
1) Make a copy of "ndn-simple-with-custom-app.cpp". Let's call the
copy as "ndn-my-scenario.cpp"
2) Run "NS_LOG=CustomApp ./waf --run=ndn-my-scenario".

After the second step I get following message:
msg="Invalid or unregistered component name "CustomApp" in env
variable NS_LOG, see above for a list of valid components"

Could anyone please let me know what might be the issue? I might be
doing something obviously wrong but have spent hours finding the issue
and have not been able to find one. Any help is much appreciated.


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