[ndnSIM] What version of R is required?

Anil Jangam anilj.mailing at gmail.com
Fri Aug 8 02:08:50 PDT 2014

I have installed the ndnSIM as explained in the link below.


I could compile all the code and was able to run the scenario -- ./run.py
-s figure-4-data-propagation-vs-distance

However this ended up with the following error...

./build/car-relay --run=1 --distance=155
./build/car-relay --run=2 --distance=155
./build/car-relay --run=3 --distance=155
./build/car-relay --run=4 --distance=155
./build/car-relay --run=5 --distance=155
./build/car-relay --run=6 --distance=155
./build/car-relay --run=7 --distance=155
./build/car-relay --run=8 --distance=155
./build/car-relay --run=9 --distance=155
./build/car-relay --run=10 --distance=155
Error in library(doBy) : there is no package called ‘doBy’
Calls: suppressMessages -> withCallingHandlers -> library
Execution halted

I have installed the 'R' with version - 3.0.2-1ubuntu1 on Ubuntu 14.04 as

sudo apt-get install r-base
sudo R
install.packages ('proto')
install.packages ('ggplot2')
install.packages ('doBy')

Is this issue with the version of the R or something else?

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