[ndnSIM] How to display the total value

Yowaraj Chhetri yowarj at gmail.com
Sat Nov 23 04:26:39 PST 2013

Dear all,
I am new to R and ggplot2 to display data acquired from ndnSim, When I run
the flowing code, it displays HopCount 4 and 2 at time 10sec respectively
and 4 and 4 in time 11sec. But I want to have it display as 6 (sum of
HopCount) in time 10sec and similarly sum of HopCount 8 for 11sec...and so
on. How to do that, Please help me.

Time        Node    AppId    SeqNo    Type    HopCount
10.0057    leaf-1    1             0    LastDelay    4
10.0057    leaf-1    1             0    FullDelay     4
10.0066    leaf-1    1             1    LastDelay    2
10.0066    leaf-1    1             1    FullDelay     2
11.0029    leaf-2    2             0    LastDelay    2
11.0029    leaf-2    2             0    FullDelay     2
11.0057    leaf-1    1             0    LastDelay    4
11.0057    leaf-1    1             0    FullDelay     4
11.0057    leaf-1    1             0    LastDelay    4
11.0057    leaf-1    1             0    FullDelay     4

My original code is

data = read.table ("app-delays-trace.txt", header=T)
data$Node = factor (data$Node)
data$AppId <- factor(data$AppId)
data$HopCount <- data$HopCount
data$Type = factor (data$Type)

# exlude irrelevant types
data = subset (data, Type %in% c("FullDelay"))
data = subset (data, Node %in% c("leaf-1"))
data = subset (data, AppId %in% c("1"))

# combine stats from all faces
data.combined = summaryBy (. ~ Time + Node + AppId + Type, data=data,

g.root <- ggplot (data.combined) +
  geom_point (aes (x=Time, y=HopCount.sum, color=Type), size=0.5) +
  geom_line (aes (x=Time, y=HopCount.sum, color=Type), size=0.5) +
  ylab ("Hop Count")

print (g.root)

png ("app-delay-1.png", width=500, height=250)
print (g.root)
dev.off ()

With kind regards,

Yowaraj Chhetri
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