[ndnSIM] question about faceIterator in CustomStrategy

yao hu huyao0107 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 30 08:20:28 PDT 2013

Hi Alex,

Thanks for your reply to the previous question about ndnsim update.

Now I am looking into the CustomStrategy::DoPropagateInterest. This
function is to let Interest be forwarded to first two best-metric faces
specified by FIB. However, in the codes, the faceIterator is first pointed
to the beginning of faces ordered by metric and then checked whether it is
pointed to the end of the faces. Assume that there is only one face
existing in the associated faces for the fib entry. For my understanding,
this face is located at the beginning of the faces and also should be
located at the end of the faces. Then according to the DoPropagateInterest
algorithm, the incoming interest will be not sent out though the fact is
not like that for sure. So what is wrong with my understanding for the
faceIterator? Or what is the internal structure of FacesByMetric &faces
especially faces.begin () or faces.end()?

I am sorry for my confusing expression. Thank you very much!

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