[ndnSIM] The weird results of replacement policy

Pan ihenrypan at 163.com
Tue Jul 2 18:43:28 PDT 2013

Hi All,

I did some experiments on replacement policy and the results were weird.

The scenario just based on the ndn-simple.cc. The configuration information as follows:
The network topology:
    +----------+     1Mbps      +--------+     1Mbps      +----------+
  | consumer | <------------> | router | <------------> | producer |
    +----------+         10ms    +--------+          10ms   +----------+
 The consumer is ConsumerZipfMandelbrot model. NumberOfContents set to 1000.
ContentStore size is 100.
Simulation time is 60s.

Now, I test exsiting replacement policy(Lru, Fifo and Random) by using the ndn::CsTracer to statis the cache hit rate.
The cache hit rate of policy are:
Lru: 26.7%
Fifo: 23.8%
Random: 33.2%
Random policy's hit rate is greatest in every experiments. Random policy's hit rate should be least in the theory. It's weird.

Is the scenario has problems?
Could you explain the results for me?
Thank you in advance.

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