[ndnSIM] fatal error: ns3/ndnSIM-module.h: No such file or directory

Anil J anilj.mailing at gmail.com
Wed Dec 18 23:18:48 PST 2013


I installed the boost library as described in the

After this, configuration of the ns-3 was successful using the command:

./waf configure --boost-includes=/usr/local/include
--boost-libs=/usr/local/lib --enable-examples

However, after compilation using ./waf it fails with the following error

vm1 at ubuntu:~/wsn/ndnSIM/ns-3$ ./waf
Waf: Entering directory `/home/vm1/wsn/ndnSIM/ns-3/build'
[1029/2442] cxx:
fatal error: ns3/ndnSIM-module.h: No such file or directory*
compilation terminated.
Waf: Leaving directory `/home/vm1/wsn/ndnSIM/ns-3/build'
Build failed
 -> task in 'rocketfuel-maps-cch-to-annotaded' failed (exit status 1):
    {task 62289936: cxx rocketfuel-maps-cch-to-annotaded.cc ->
['/usr/bin/g++', '-O0', '-ggdb', '-g3', '-Wall', '-Werror',
'-Wno-error=deprecated-declarations', '-fstrict-aliasing',
'-Wstrict-aliasing', '-Iexamples/ndnSIM-sample-topologies/extensions',
'-I/usr/local/include', '-DNS3_ASSERT_ENABLE', '-DNS3_LOG_ENABLE',
'-c', '-o',

I checked that the file "*ndnSIM-module.h" *exists in path

I even tried reconfiguring ns-3 code with following change, but no success.

./waf configure --includedir=/home/vm1/ndnSIM/ns-3/build
--boost-includes=/usr/local/include --boost-libs=/usr/local/lib

 Can someone please help to resolve this problem? Will it be wise to copy
the content of ndnSIM/ns-3/build/ns3 to the /usr/local/include so that it
finds the header?

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