[ndnSIM] Print Queue length

Amin Karami amin at ac.upc.edu
Thu Dec 5 15:44:23 PST 2013

Yes, I used this code:

   //  get current queue size
   uint32_t k;
   Ptr<ndn::Pit> pit = node->GetObject<ndn::Pit> ();
   Ptr<Channel> CH1 = node->GetDevice(2)->GetChannel();
   Ptr<NetDevice> toDev = CH1->GetDevice (1);
   PointerValue txQueue;
   toDev->GetAttribute ("TxQueue", txQueue);
   k = txQueue.Get<DropTailQueue> ()->GetNPackets();

When i print "k", it is zero. Is there any wrong in my code? If my code 
is true, i may call wrong GetDevice number!


On 12/06/2013 12:17 ق.ظ, Ilya Moiseenko wrote:
> The parent class Queue has a method “GetNPackets”
> http://www.nsnam.org/docs/release/3.18/doxygen/classns3_1_1_queue.html#a50dcb693d5325708d8c90770f795eabc
> Ilya
> On Dec 5, 2013, at 3:10 PM, Amin Karami <amin at ac.upc.edu 
> <mailto:amin at ac.upc.edu>> wrote:
>> Hi llya!
>> I want to print the number of filled elements in queue in an 
>> interface in a specific time, not original (predefined) size of the 
>> queue. I think, i posted wrong title for my question :-)
>> I could not find related attribute in your suggested link. I found 
>> these attributes: *Mode, **MaxPackets, **MaxBytes*
>> Is there any suggestion?
>> Thank you in advance.
>> /Amin
>> On 12/05/2013 07:59 ب.ظ, Ilya Moiseenko wrote:
>>> Hi Amin
>>> 1) m_maxPackets is indeed private.
>>> However, you can access this value by attribute named “MaxPackets"
>>> Seehttp://www.nsnam.org/docs/release/3.18/doxygen/classns3_1_1_drop_tail_queue.html  for details
>>> 2) Technically you can do this in NS3. And in real life routers can have different queue sizes.
>>> Ilya
>>> On Dec 4, 2013, at 2:35 AM, Amin Karami<amin at ac.upc.edu>  wrote:
>>>> Hi Alex,
>>>> I am going to print Queue length in a specific interface of a router. I wrote below function:
>>>> void PeriodicStatsPrinter (Ptr<Node> node, Time next)
>>>> Ptr<ndn::Pit> pit = node->GetObject<ndn::Pit> ();
>>>> Ptr<Channel> CH = node->GetDevice(2)->GetChannel(); \\ 2nd interface of the node
>>>> Ptr<NetDevice> toDev = CH->GetDevice (1); \\ access to its queue
>>>> PointerValue txQueue;
>>>> toDev->GetAttribute ("TxQueue", txQueue);
>>>> std::cout << Simulator::Now ().ToDouble (Time::S) << "\t"
>>>> << Names::FindName (node) << "\t"
>>>> << "Max Packets of Queue: " << txQueue.Get<DropTailQueue> ()->m_maxPackets << "\n";
>>>> 1- But, i faced with this error:
>>>> ../scratch/RTT/RTT.cc  <http://RTT.cc>: In function ‘void PeriodicStatsPrinter(ns3::Ptr<ns3::Node>, ns3::Time)’:
>>>> ../scratch/RTT/RTT.cc  <http://RTT.cc>:44:6: error: expected primary-expression before ‘<<’ token
>>>> ./ns3/drop-tail-queue.h:68:12: error: ‘uint32_t ns3::DropTailQueue::m_maxPackets’ is private
>>>> ../scratch/RTT/RTT.cc  <http://RTT.cc>:44:58: error: within this context
>>>> 2- Could i define two Queue lengths for a specific interface in routers? from inside and outside of a link. Or both should be equal?
>>>> /Amin
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