[ndnSIM] behavior of consumer and provider

Alex Afanasyev alexander.afanasyev at ucla.edu
Fri Apr 26 00:34:03 PDT 2013

Hi huyao,

The forwarding strategy on producerNode doesn't really need to forward the interest to both faces, I was giving an example of what can happen.  Yes, with the existing ndn::Producer app, all interests will be satisfied, but in general (some other producer), may only have partial information.

In any case, it is totally up to the strategy's decision of what to do with interest.  Ideally, the strategy should try available faces first (in some order), then learn from which face interests are getting satisfied (faster), and then primarily use this face to forward interest.  Do I suspect correctly that you're implementing something along these lines?


On Apr 25, 2013, at 8:31 PM, yao hu <huyao0107 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> Thanks for your explanation. But I am still curious about why producer node needs to forward interest to NetDevice. Take the following simple topology for example.
>    (NetDeviceFace)                (NetDeviceFace)
>  +--------+ /x         +--------------+ /x              +---------------+
>  | client | ---------- | producerNode | --------------- | someOtherNode |
>  +--------+            +--------------+                 +---------------+
>                               | /x (AppFace)
>                               |
>                               |
>                        +-------------+
>                        | producerApp |
>                        +-------------+
> If the producerNode received the interest (under the prefix /x), it will send the interest to AppFace (the interest will be satisfied). That is very reasonable. However, does it need to forward the interest to someOtherNode through NetDeviceFace. As you said, applications not always can satisfy all interest under specific prefix, but from my observance to the prior experiments (I made some change in CustomStrategy::DoPropagateInterest), producerNode can satisfy each node under /x and send Data packet back to client. Besides, it still have a chance (not every time, just in a small possibility) to forward the interest to someOtherNode. Is my observance wrong? Or what is the cause for the producerNode to forward interest (that will be satisfied to AppFace) to someOtherNode?
> Thanks very much~
> Regards,
> huyao

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