[ndnSIM] behavior of consumer and provider

yao hu huyao0107 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 24 17:24:43 PDT 2013

Hi Alex,

Thanks very much for your explicit explanation.
Then, for my understanding, it depends on me to decide whether the
satisfied interest will be forwarded again towards other nodes (someOtherNode
in your example) or not. If I send it to both AppFace and NetDeviceFace
which share FaceId, it will do this. And also, from my simple observance
from L3RateTracer, if one node connects to two other nodes, face 0 and face
1 is the NetDeviceFace, while face 2 will be the AppFace. Is my
understanding right?


2013/4/25 Alex Afanasyev <alexander.afanasyev at ucla.edu>

> Hi!
> 1) Yes. There is something like PIT in consumer, but in much more
> simplistic format.  In consumer it is just a container, containing
> outstanding sequence number and last retransmission time (m_seqTimeouts
> variable in apps/ndn-consumer.h).  The code uses boost::multi_index
> container to have separate indices by sequence number (to efficiently
> remove) and retransmission time (for retransmission detection).
> 2) Let me show you my understanding of your question with slightly
> different topology
>    (NetDeviceFace)                (NetDeviceFace)
>  +--------+ /x         +--------------+ /x              +---------------+
>  | client | ---------- | producerNode | --------------- | someOtherNode |
>  +--------+            +--------------+                 +---------------+
>                               | /x (AppFace)
>                               |
>                               |
>                        +-------------+
>                        | producerApp |
>                        +-------------+
> Let's say we have three nodes, one is client, one producer, and one is
> producerNode.  Prefix /x (under which client will be sending interests) is
> routed:
> - on client:  the only NetDeviceFace (towards producerNode)
> - on producerNode:  to AppFace (to producer app), to NetDeviceFace
> (towards someOtherNode)
> When producerNode receives an interests from the client, the strategy may
> send interest towards application (and this interest will be satisfied) and
> towards some other node.
> Among the existing strategies, only ns3::ndn::fw::Flooding is doing this,
> since it is very simple and dumb strategy.  BestRoute and SmartFlooding
> forward interest only to a "green" face (if available), which implies that
> they will forward only to the application (ndn::Producer marks the
> application face "green").
> ---
> Alex
> On Apr 24, 2013, at 8:17 AM, yao hu <huyao0107 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Alex,
> >
> > I have two uncertain issues about the behavior of consumer and provider
> for confirmation.
> >
> > (1) Is there any record like PIT for consumer or requester to memorize
> past Interest transmission? Possibly for its future retransmission.
> >
> > (2) Say in a tree topology. If the root as the provider has satisfied
> the incoming Interest to send back its according Data. Is it possible to
> again forward the Interest to other branches (except the branch for the
> incoming Interest)? I am asking this because in my forwarding strategy, I
> saw some traffic in other branches, however I just modified
> DoPropagateInterest, no other basic ndn functions.
> >
> > Your reply will be really appreciated.
> >
> > Regards,
> > huyao
> >
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