[Mini-NDN] [EXT]Re: Preload contents to node's content store in mini-ndn

Junxiao Shi shijunxiao at email.arizona.edu
Wed Feb 3 10:34:47 PST 2021

Hi Jiacheng

Preloading the Content Store without sending Interests is meaningless, but
it's in fact possible.

   1. In nfd.conf, set tables.cs_unsolicited_policy=admit-local option.
   2. Start NFD.
   3. Open a face toward NFD and send Data packets directly to this face,
   and they will be cached. You may use ndnpoke --unsolicited flag to send a
   single Data packet.

A more reasonable way is just sending the Interests.

   1. Start NFD (without special changes in nfd.conf).
   2. Start the producer.
   3. Start a local consumer that sends Interests.
   4. The producer would receive the Interests and reply to them, and the
   Data would be cached.

This would still be preloading, if you perform these steps prior to
collecting measurements for your actual experiment.

   - Retrieve the counters after these preloading steps, and subtract them
   at the end.
   - Record the timestamp when you finish preloading, and ignore log
   entries before that timestamp.

Note that the Content Store can always evict cached Data, regardless of how
you preload them.
There's also a difference between these two methods when you use "priority
FIFO" policy:

   - The first method would insert unsolicited Data. They would be evicted
   before any other Data retrieved in response to Interests.
   - The second method would insert Data normally. They are classified the
   same as any other Data.

Yours, Junxiao

*From:* JIACHENG HOU <houdemi at outlook.com>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, February 3, 2021 12:17 AM
> *To:* Saurab Dulal (sdulal) <sdulal at memphis.edu>
> *Subject:* Re: Preload contents to node's content store in mini-ndn
> I understand that NDN nodes cache the data when it receives a data packet.
> However, I want to manually wrap the content into NDN data packets and
> insert them to nodes' content store, before the consumer sending interest
> packets.
> Is it possible to realize? Or what I am trying to do is meaningless?
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