[Nfd-dev] Prefix Propagation

Dehart, John jdd at wustl.edu
Thu Jan 25 13:35:32 PST 2018


I need some help figuring out why auto prefix propagation is not working right now.

I’ve done this test in the past and it has worked but haven’t done it in a while
and now it is not working.

My laptop is running nfd 0.5.1
I’m use the WU gateway which is running nfd 0.5.1-72-gf4056d0
My identity is /ndn/edu/wustl/jdd
And I believe my certificate is valid.

On my laptop I do this:


sleep 5
nfd-start >& nfd-start.log
sleep 5

nfdc register / udp://wundngw.arl.wustl.edu

nfdc register /localhop/nfd udp4://wundngw.arl.wustl.edu

sleep 5

# test connection to WU gateway with ndnping
ndnping -c 5 /ndn/edu/wustl

# set identity to WU based name:
ndnsec-set-default /ndn/edu/wustl/jdd


Then I run an ndnpingserver on my laptop:

ndnpingserver /ndn/edu/wustl/jdd

But I never see a prefix for me on the WU gateway.

What should I be looking at to figure this out?


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