[Nfd-dev] Help needed with debugging duplicate Nonce

Junxiao Shi shijunxiao at email.arizona.edu
Mon Jun 27 12:59:56 PDT 2016

Hi Lan

The Interest name is the snippet is:
There's no /localhop is this name.

In general, if you find NFD forwarding a /localhop Interest, this means a
local application is expressing the Interest.
In A-B-C linear topology, when A expresses an Interest and is forwarded to
B, B usually does not forward it to C. However, if a local application on B
expresses an Interest with same Name+Selectors+Link, B can forward this
Interest to C.
If you are suspecting this problem, you may force the application on B to
connect to local NFD via TCP by setting `transport=tcp4://`
in $HOME/.ndn/client.conf, and then you'll be able to run tcpdump on the
loopback interface and observe whether any local application is expressing
the Interest.

Yours, Junxiao

On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 11:30 AM, Lan Wang (lanwang) <lanwang at memphis.edu>

> We used /localhop in the name.  Why were the packets forwarded beyond one
> hop?
> Lan
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