[Nfd-dev] 1-to-Many NDN-RTC test and hub strategy

Gusev, Peter peter at remap.ucla.edu
Fri Jun 24 14:16:34 PDT 2016

Attachment available until Jul 24, 2016
Hi Junxiao,

I’m sorry for not being clear.

What I meant is that all consumers start simultaneously and what I repeatedly observe, is that they are unable to catch up with the latest produced data in a synchronous manner, what is expected. Instead, chasing phase resolution happens one (or few) consumer(s) at a time. Consumers are identical and in the beginning express same interest - with rightmost child selector enabled.
Here <http://ec2-52-90-158-238.compute-1.amazonaws.com:3000/dashboard/db/ndn-rtc-test-real-time-metrics?panelId=4&fullscreen&from=1466801762500&to=1466801788564>  (login/pw: guest/ndnguest) you can see “rebufferings stairs” - which indicate that consumer was not able to get any data, so it started over. It feels like NFD was answering one consumer (rightmost interest) at a time.

I attached pcap file for the first 1-1.5 minute of test.


Click to Download<https://www.icloud.com/attachment/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fcvws.icloud-content.com%2FB%2FAdRulud6r8_BY4vd72J_GQVNZHI-AeLSnnTgQcld-nvgVzN7Z_GtHJ9_%2F%24%7Bf%7D%3Fo%3DAgwqj8b1LMVHHqWZR-PPYNe7FzzAmKljnmnkr6belmoB%26v%3D1%26x%3D3%26a%3DBYwroCA2V-L8A32qNAEA_wHIAP8cA26V%26e%3D1469394993%26k%3D%24%7Buk%7D%26fl%3D%26r%3D99C31B47-7DEF-43CB-8B78-D0AE4F7374C1-1%26ckc%3Dcom.apple.largeattachment%26ckz%3DE0110155-E488-447F-B4BA-82EE81D675A1%26p%3D31%26s%3DpkkY7bUBQOFzVH8cMQBXiMArQ4s&uk=EcpJWzutnG_V_jNQnQGavg&f=capture.pcap.zip&sz=24784726>
24.8 MB

Peter Gusev

peter at remap.ucla.edu<mailto:peter at remap.ucla.edu>
+1 213 5872748
peetonn_ (skype)

Software Engineer/Programmer Analyst @ REMAP UCLA

Video streaming/ICN networks/Creative Development

On Jun 24, 2016, at 10:35 AM, Junxiao Shi <shijunxiao at email.arizona.edu<mailto:shijunxiao at email.arizona.edu>> wrote:

Hi Peter

"consumers join one-by-one" is an application layer behavior. I don't know what does that mean at network layer.
tcpdump at the router should be helpful as a start, however I can't say what is "enough".

Yours, Junxiao

On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 12:36 PM, Gusev, Peter <peter at remap.ucla.edu<mailto:peter at remap.ucla.edu>> wrote:
Hi Junxiao,

I ran more 1-to-10 tests recently (here are the results<http://ec2-52-90-158-238.compute-1.amazonaws.com:3000/dashboard/db/ndn-rtc-tests-test-run-overview?from=1466566688346&to=1466567022507&var-runtime=15m> of one out five tests) and observe an unusual behavior: consumers are not able to get data all simultaneously, instead - they join one-by-one. This can be seen from rebufferings graph<http://ec2-52-90-158-238.compute-1.amazonaws.com:3000/dashboard/db/ndn-rtc-tests-test-run-overview?from=1466566688346&to=1466567022507&var-runtime=15m&panelId=15&fullscreen> and incoming traffic graph<http://ec2-52-90-158-238.compute-1.amazonaws.com:3000/dashboard/db/ndn-rtc-tests-test-run-overview?from=1466566688346&to=1466567022507&panelId=20&fullscreen&var-runtime=15m>. I see that, consumers get timeouts for the initial interests.

Please, let me know what data do you need to analyze this (tcpdumps for hub is enough?).


Peter Gusev

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