[Nfd-dev] Revised plan for library renaming

Alex Afanasyev alexander.afanasyev at ucla.edu
Wed Apr 23 16:02:50 PDT 2014

Hi guys,

Here is the revised plan for the library renaming.  Similar to the last time, I will wait for comments 24 hours before starting work on the renaming.

* new name: "ndn-cxx"
* full name: "NDN C++ library with eXperimental eXtensions"
* version: reset to 0.1 for the initial release
* folder name for include files: ndn-cxx
* static library name: libndn-cxx.a
* dynamic library name (when it will be enabled): libndn-cxx.so|dylib
* pkg-config name: libndn-cxx.pc
* no namespace change: we will still use "ndn" as a basic namespace for the library
* official github repository will change to: https://github.com/named-data/ndn-cxx  (the old one will be redirecting to a new location)
* redmine will change to http://redmine.named-data.net/projects/ndn-cxx (the old one will not work)
* gerrit project name will be changed to ndn-cxx: http://gerrit.named-data.net/#/admin/projects/ndn-cxx (the old one will not work)
* official documentation page: http://www.named-data.net/doc/ndn-cxx/<version>

We will try to do the change with a transition period, when existing application will still be able to compile against ndn-cxx (there will be additional symlinks created for include, lib, and pkg-config files), but all known applications needs to be updated ASAP after the renaming is complete in the following way:

* all includes should be changed from <ndn-cpp-dev/...> to <ndn-cxx/...>
* documentation files/comments referring to ndn-cpp-dev should be updated and refer to ndn-cxx and (if any) to new links
* if the app uses pkg-config for dependency detection, 'libndn-cpp-dev' should be replaced with 'libndn-cxx'.  For waf users:

   conf.check_cfg(package = 'libndn-cxx', args = ['--cflags', '--libs'],
                  uselib_store = 'NDN_CXX', mandatory = True)

(If updating `uselib_store` variable, don't forget to update all uses of it in bld() blocks.)


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