[ndnSIM] Testbed nodes geographical locations in mini-ndn

Junxiao Shi shijunxiao at email.arizona.edu
Sat Jan 26 20:03:12 PST 2019

 Dear folks

While I haven't used the visualization feature of Mini-NDN or ndnSIM, I do
know a thing or two about the coordinates.

Since results should not be affected and it seems this is a visual problem,
> if you need that for a paper, you can take a screenshot of the testbed from
> the testbed webpage and put it in your paper to demonstrate the topology.

ndnmap offers a JSON feed that contains WGS84 coordinates of every router
on the global NDN testbed.
Each WGS84 waypoint represents a point on earth's surface. They are
accurate to the city and may not indicate the exact location of the device.
There's no schema for this feed, so you have to guess the semantics.

> Topologies in ndnSIM are created based on x, y coordinates.
ns-3 visualizer wants coordinates on a 2-dimension grid. You can't directly
use WGS84 coordinates because they represent points on a sphere. There are
many algorithms to project a world map onto a flat sheet of paper.
Visualizing these coordinates would look like http://ndnmap.arl.wustl.edu/

I am not sure if you can covert angle and radius to x, y coordinates
> somehow
Mini-NDN's "angle and radius" are hyperbolic coordinates. It's neither
WGS84 nor 2-dimension grid, and has nothing to do with geolocation. They
are calculated based on network connectivity (especially BGP AS-level
topology) by the math gurus at Northeastern University.
Visualizing these coordinates would look like NDN retreat 1703
Geohyperbolic Routing and Addressing Schemes
slide 4.

In terms of results, I do not think it will make any difference (the thing
> that will make a difference is the link delay).
The bottom image on http://ndndemo.arl.wustl.edu/ has the link delay of
every link on NDN testbed. They are measured with IP ping when
commissioning a node.

Yours, Junxiao
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