[ndnSIM] Wifi-AP with wired topology

Md Ashiqur Rahman marahman at email.arizona.edu
Thu Mar 9 20:40:51 PST 2017


I'm working on an ndnSIM setup of the following topology:

[image: Inline image 1]
*AP1* and* AP2* are 2 wifi* AP* nodes with overlapping transmission range
and both are wire connected to producer *P*. Consumer *C* moves from left
to right with some constant velocity. I've implemented a similar code for 6
*AP*s with multiple routers in a tree fashion but facing some problems. My
questions are as follows:

1. How can I make *C* to communicate with only one* AP* at any particular
time in this scenario? In my current setup, when in intersecting region,
both *AP1* and *AP2* forwards interests posted by *C* to *P*.

2. How can I get perfect association in ndnSIM? Currently, C sends
association request to an *AP* and receives response. However, in that
time, some interest packets are lost, which I observed in the log files.

3. How do I set different applications in the consumer+producer? Currently
I'm testing FTP application. What about Web and Streaming? How to set
timeout for interest sent by *C*?

My current code is attached here:


Computer Science
University of Arizona
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