[ndnSIM] Addtional metadata in Interest and data packet

황인찬 neogeoss at ajou.ac.kr
Mon Oct 10 03:11:51 PDT 2016

Dear NDN Sim users,

I have been trying to add an additional property to an Interest packet.

In NDN-cxx, there is Interest.cpp file that defines Interest encoding in
Interest::wireEncode(EncodingImpl<TAG>& encoder)


  //                Name

  //                Selectors?

  //                Nonce

  //                InterestLifetime?

  //                Link?

  //                SelectedDelegation?

  //                ProducerUid? à ....................... I added it.

// (reverse encoding)

There is also a decoding scheme for it, Interest::wireDecode(const Block&
wire) in the file.

Although I added additional variables and its getter and setters to the
Interest packet,

There is an error "Requested decoding of ControlResponse, but Block is of
different type"

when I run it with after I add //totalLength +=
getProducerUid().wireEncode(encoder); for wireEncode

//m_ProducerUid.wireDecode(m_wire.get(tlv::Name)); for wireDecode.

I am now trying to match block types equal, But I am stuck. Does anyone of
you know about adding a new property to the Interest and data packet?

Any comment will help

Here is the current code I have been working on is in "

Best wishes,

Inchan Hwang
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