[ndnSIM] Link resolver server

Spyridon (Spyros) Mastorakis mastorakis at CS.UCLA.EDU
Thu Mar 31 14:27:52 PDT 2016

Please see my answer inline. I am not that familiar with the NDNS implementation, so I will try to answer the questions that I know in the best possible way:

> Thank you. You scenario works. Regarding to that, there are questions I need to ask you:
> 1- What is the content of test.db?
It is the database of the current NDNS instance (storing the records).

> 2- What is the procedure to add a zone or identity? I guess there should be some key-chain related routine I'm not familiar with.
I think that this has to do with this file:

> 3- What is the difference between Name(Name to be resolved) and Hint(Name Hint) in digApp? They are both set to "/ndn”
According to the SNAMP paper, a name of some data should be resolved directly to a LINK object that contains a number of globally routable name (forwarding hints). In the current implementation, I think that the name of some data is resolved to a globally routable name directly.
> 4- From consumer's perspective, firstly a digApp should query for a "hint" for a prefix, then attach query's answer as a Link object to Interest?
In theory, the application should retrieve the LINK object directly from NDNS. However, in this case you are right.
> 5- What relation is in place between what has been done in your scenario, and Link related functions in ndnSIM?
Sorry, but I do not understand the question.

NDNS was Alex’s thesis, so he can elaborate more on the implementation details. Hope that my answer helped though.

Spyridon (Spyros) Mastorakis
Personal Website: http://cs.ucla.edu/~mastorakis/ <http://cs.ucla.edu/~mastorakis/>
Internet Research Laboratory
Computer Science Department

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