[ndnSIM] Regards Nodes/Simulator packet/traffic information

Hitesh Wadekar wadekahn at clarkson.edu
Mon Jul 6 17:52:33 PDT 2015

Hi Spyridon/Alex,

I am specially looking an information to extract from simulator or node
with the following parameters.

1. Total no of specific sent/rcv interest packets (for instance,
2. Total no of specific sent/rcv data packets
3. Total interest/data packets in that time span (simulator)

I know ndn::L3RateTracer::InstallAll("rate-trace.txt", Seconds(1.0)),
however, we will not get above information from rate-trace.

I think if we could print interest/data prefix names along with other
information in rate-trace, it would help.

Let me know your input.

Thank you for your help.

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