[ndnSIM] Inconsistent number of sent packets

yao hu huyao0107 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 16 08:32:01 PDT 2013

Hi Alex,

Just now, in order to verify my modification I used CustomerCbr to produce
a certain number of Interest from a specific consumer, however, I found
that there is a little difference between expectation and simulation
result. For example, I set the Interest frequency as 10 (packets per
second) for 20 seconds, the result is the number of sent packets is 200
which is the same as theoretic value. But if I set the Interest frequency
as 100 for 20 seconds, the simulation result is the number of sent packets
is 1805 which is less than the theoretic value 2000. What is the possible
reason for this phenomenon? (No packets are sent from other faces)

Thanks for your reply!

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