[ndnSIM] question for flooding

Alex Afanasyev alexander.afanasyev at ucla.edu
Tue Dec 25 19:30:15 PST 2012

Hi Aaron,

Yes. The current Flooding strategies (Flooding and SmartFlooding) only "flood" to interfaces that are specified in a specific FIB entry, except the incoming interest.  If you don't care about FIB entries, you can just set up a / entry and add there all interfaces (by using SetDefaultRoutes(true) in ndn::StackHelper, http://ndnsim.net/helpers.html#default-routes).

If you still care about entries, why don't you just add missing interfaces to entries?  Is there a reason of not doing so?

In any case, if you really want to use all available interfaces and don't want them to add to FIB entries, it is still possible.  To do so, I would recommend to create a new forwarding strategy based on Flooding.  Instead of iterating over interfaces in FIB entry, you can do the following:

Ptr<L3Protocol> ndn = this->GetObject<L3Protocol> ();
for (uint32_t faceNum = 0; faceNum < ndn->GetNFaces (); faceNum++)
   Ptr<Face> face = ndn->GetFace (faceNum);
   // almost exact copy of the rest


On Dec 25, 2012, at 6:07 PM, aaronishere <aaronishere at qq.com> wrote:

> Hi, Alex
> In flooding.cc 
> BOOST_FOREACH(const fib:FaceMetric &merticFace, pitEntry->GetFibEntry()-<m_faces.get<fib::i_metric>)
> {
> ................................
> }
> It seems that interests only be flooded to the outgoing interfaces which exists in the FIB, is that correct?
> I wonder how to flood the interests to all interfaces except the incoming interface even though there's no interfaces in the FIB for specific prefixes.
> Is there any solutions?
> Thanks!
> Aaron

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