[Mini-NDN] Fw: Mini-NDN 0.6.0 Release

Saurab Dulal (sdulal) sdulal at memphis.edu
Sun Jan 2 13:38:27 PST 2022

++ adding Mini-NDN mailing list


From: Bishal Kumar Nath <bishalknath45 at gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, January 2, 2022 2:56 PM
To: Saurab Dulal (sdulal) <sdulal at memphis.edu>
Subject: Re: [Mini-NDN] Mini-NDN 0.6.0 Release

Thank you for your reply. I installed successfully mini-ndn. Only the mininet-wifi was causing some problem, so i installed without it. Just a follow up question, do you have openflow support for mini-ndn? When a try to run a controller in the C0 node (doing xterm), it shows that the address is being used already. What is the reason for this?

On Sun, Jan 2, 2022, 10:14 PM Saurab Dulal (sdulal) <sdulal at memphis.edu<mailto:sdulal at memphis.edu>> wrote:
Hi Bishal,

Thank you for writing us.

Here's the tutorial that can help you with the installation: https://github.com/named-data/mini-ndn/blob/master/docs/install.rst

Our video is outdated by the recent changes we made in the installation. We hope to make one soon.

I haven't tried OpenFlow with Mini-NDN. I think it is supported by Mininet, so Mini-NDN should support it too. But I don't understand why you are trying to look at the flow entries. Can't you can check the NFD fib list and see the entries?

consumer-producer example: https://github.com/named-data/mini-ndn/blob/master/examples/consumer-producer.py

Best regards,


From: Bishal Kumar Nath <bishalknath45 at gmail.com<mailto:bishalknath45 at gmail.com>>
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2021 11:46 PM
To: Saurab Dulal (sdulal) <sdulal at memphis.edu<mailto:sdulal at memphis.edu>>
Subject: Re: [Mini-NDN] Mini-NDN 0.6.0 Release

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Hello Saurab,

I congratulate and thank you for the current release. I am a PhD scholar from Tezpur University, currently working on NDN. I am still a explorer in this area. Hence, i tried to install mini-NDN from the source code (not using vagrant), but failed to do so due to lack of enough tutorials. The only tutorial available was outdated, so can you please make one tutorial or any sort of video for installing mini-NDN? It will save a lot of time if you can do that.

Along with this, i want to query, if mini-NDN has OpenFlow support? Because, while I was trying to run a producer consumer scenario(of NDN_CXX) in mininet hosts, the consumer could recieve packet without any flow entries, which is not supposed to happen. So can you please kindly look into this and get back to me?

Thank you very much in advance,
Bishal Kumar Nath,
Tezpur University, India

On Tue, Dec 28, 2021, 10:57 AM Saurab Dulal (sdulal) <sdulal at memphis.edu<mailto:sdulal at memphis.edu>> wrote:

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce the release of version 0.6.0 of Mini-NDN.

Since the last release (0.5.0), we have made several improvements, specifically in the installation and example section. We have also updated the Mini-NDN codebase with Mini-NDN-Wifi code. Additionally, we also provide a pre-install Mini-NDN vagrant box with this release.

The detail release node can be found at https://github.com/named-data/mini-ndn/blob/master/docs/release-notes.rst#mini-ndn-version-060-major-changes-since-version-050

Please go through the Mini-NDN website (https://minindn.memphis.edu/) and find more information about the Mini-NDN, tutorials, installation, configuration guides, and other useful resources.

As we constantly look to improve the Mini-NDN, we welcome any suggestions, concerns, and feedback.

Best Regards and Happy New Year !!

Saurab Dulal

Mini-NDN mailing list
Mini-NDN at lists.cs.ucla.edu<mailto:Mini-NDN at lists.cs.ucla.edu>
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