[Mini-NDN] Mini-NDN 0.6.0 Release

Saurab Dulal (sdulal) sdulal at memphis.edu
Mon Dec 27 21:27:28 PST 2021

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce the release of version 0.6.0 of Mini-NDN.

Since the last release (0.5.0), we have made several improvements, specifically in the installation and example section. We have also updated the Mini-NDN codebase with Mini-NDN-Wifi code. Additionally, we also provide a pre-install Mini-NDN vagrant box with this release.

The detail release node can be found at https://github.com/named-data/mini-ndn/blob/master/docs/release-notes.rst#mini-ndn-version-060-major-changes-since-version-050

Please go through the Mini-NDN website (https://minindn.memphis.edu/) and find more information about the Mini-NDN, tutorials, installation, configuration guides, and other useful resources.

As we constantly look to improve the Mini-NDN, we welcome any suggestions, concerns, and feedback.

Best Regards and Happy New Year !!

Saurab Dulal

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