[Mini-NDN] [EXT] Timeouts in MiniNDN

Andre adcarneiro at inf.ufrgs.br
Mon Apr 26 17:45:43 PDT 2021

Hi Junxiao

I implemented those changes and reduced the topology to 4 hosts to rule 
the possibility of this being a hardware issue. Now the consumers 
schedule the interest following what is specified in an input file, the 
core expressInterest mechanism looks like this:

[this, dataBuff] { delayedInterest(dataBuff); });

And, after all events are scheduled.


Inside delayedInterest, the variable nPackets is determined according to 
the 8000 byte payload limit.

// Express interest for all packets
for(i =0; i <nPackets; i++){
if((bHasLeftover) &&(i+1==nPackets)){
// Last packet
nPacketPayload =dataBuff.nPayload %N_MAX_PACKET_BYTES;
// Any other packet
nPacketPayload =N_MAX_PACKET_BYTES;
snprintf(strBuf, sizeof(strBuf), "%s-%db-%dof%d", strPrefix, 
nPacketPayload, i+1, nPackets);
fprintf(stdout, "[Consumer::delayedInterest] Expressing 
interest=%s(%d/%d)\n", strBuf, i+1, nPackets);
dtBegin =std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
interestName =Name(strBuf);
interest =Interest(interestName);
bind(&Consumer::onData, this, _1, _2, dtBegin),
bind(&Consumer::onNack, this, _1, _2, dtBegin),
bind(&Consumer::onTimeout, this, _1, dtBegin));

This runs fine for small requests, but when more interests are expressed 
in a row, making requests of about 60 to 100 8KB packages, the producers 
work for a while but then start becoming unresponsive. Once I get a 
timeout from a specific producer, it does not answer to any more 
requests, even if I kill the producer/consumer process and start them 
back up.

Looking into the producer's NFD debug logs I found this:

When the data is received by the consumer:

1619483660.357769 DEBUG: [nfd.Forwarder] onIncomingInterest in=(271,0) 
1619483660.357807 DEBUG: [nfd.ContentStore] find 
/ndn/d0-site/d0/C2Data-21-Type5-8000b-5of26 no-match
1619483660.357833 DEBUG: [nfd.Forwarder] onContentStoreMiss 
1619483660.357840 DEBUG: [nfd.BestRouteStrategy] 
from=(271,0) newPitEntry-to=279
1619483660.357866 DEBUG: [nfd.Forwarder] onOutgoingInterest out=279 
1619483660.359613 DEBUG: [nfd.Forwarder] onIncomingData in=(279,0) 
1619483660.359631 DEBUG: [nfd.ContentStore] insert 
1619483660.359641 DEBUG: [nfd.Forwarder] onIncomingData 
1619483660.359654 DEBUG: [nfd.Strategy] afterReceiveData 
pitEntry=/ndn/d0-site/d0/C2Data-21-Type5-8000b-5of26 in=(279,0) 
1619483660.359675 DEBUG: [nfd.Strategy] beforeSatisfyInterest 
pitEntry=/ndn/d0-site/d0/C2Data-21-Type5-8000b-5of26 in=(279,0) 
1619483660.359686 DEBUG: [nfd.Forwarder] onOutgoingData out=271 
1619483660.359722 DEBUG: [nfd.Forwarder] onInterestFinalize 
interest=/ndn/d0-site/d0/C2Data-21-Type5-8000b-5of26 satisfied

When the data times out on the consumer:

1619483660.357885 DEBUG: [nfd.Forwarder] onIncomingInterest in=(271,0) 
1619483660.357923 DEBUG: [nfd.ContentStore] find 
/ndn/d0-site/d0/C2Data-21-Type5-8000b-6of26 no-match
1619483660.357929 DEBUG: [nfd.Forwarder] onContentStoreMiss 
1619483660.357935 DEBUG: [nfd.BestRouteStrategy] 
from=(271,0) newPitEntry-to=279
1619483660.357942 DEBUG: [nfd.Forwarder] onOutgoingInterest out=279 
1619483666.357128 DEBUG: [nfd.Forwarder] onInterestFinalize 
interest=/ndn/d0-site/d0/C2Data-21-Type5-8000b-6of26 unsatisfied

The core Producer::onInterest is pretty simple and looks like this, 
where nPayloadSize and nTTLMs are extracted from the interest string:

// Create payload
autob =make_shared<Buffer>();
b->assign(nPayloadSize, 'a');
blockPayload =Block(tlv::Content, std::move(b));
// Create packet for interest
autodata =make_shared<Data>(interest.getName());
// Return Data packet to the requester
std::cout <<"[Producer::onInterest] << D: "<<*data <<std::endl;
std::cout <<"[Producer::onInterest] End"<<std::endl;

I also encountered another issue when testing this. I tried starting the 
consumer processes from the python script that creates the experiment 
(as stated below), but I found that the Scheduler does not run for some 
reason. All the calls to m_scheduler.schedule() are made, but after 
calling m_ioService.run(), the delayedInterest() function is not called 
at all. However, the exact same program works when called with the same 
parameters from the host's xterm window. This a pretty by problem, 
because I cannot manually start all the consumers for the experiment.

getPopen(pHost, 'consumer-with-queue 

Best regards and thanks for all the help so far,
André Dexheimer Carneiro

On 21/04/2021 17:32, Junxiao Shi wrote:
> Hi Andre
> You can express multiple Interests one after another, and then wait 
> for responses.
> In ndnping, expressInterest is called at a fixed interval, independent 
> from whether previous Interests were satisfied.
> To retrieve files, or more generally, segmented objects, most 
> libraries have a helper for that.
> In ndn-cxx it's called SegmentFetcher.
> See also https://yoursunny.com/t/2021/NDN-face/ , "Face in Libraries" 
> section, for a deep explanation on how the library Face works.
> Yours, Junxiao
> On Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 16:24 Andre <adcarneiro at inf.ufrgs.br 
> <mailto:adcarneiro at inf.ufrgs.br>> wrote:
>     *External Email*
>     Hi Junxiao,
>     that makes sense, thanks for the help so far.
>     I looked into the ndnping example but one doubt remains. What if I
>     want to consume large chunks of data, say 10MB or more. In this
>     case, I will need to divide that into chunks of 8800 bytes at
>     most, since that is the maximum NDN package size allowed. However,
>     using the same mechanism as ndnping or
>     consumer/consumer-with-timer, the program would have to wait until
>     one 8800 B package is received before requesting the next one
>     (using face.expressInterest). How can I do that so that I don`t
>     have to wait a full round-trip-time before consuming the next part?
>     Best regards,
>     André
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